Meet the St Mary’s team

Vicar Stephen Partridge
Stephen Partridge is the vicar of St Mary’s Church. He is chair of the PCC and ex-officio member. 01929 459444

Riette Hodson is Church Administrator
01202 632103 or 07724 543499
Among other things, Riette deals with enquiries and paperwork for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals, including booking the Church.
Ministry and Worship
Alongside Stephen a number of people assist with worship.

Jayne Catley is a commissioned Lay Worship Leader and is involved in leading different aspects of worship at St Mary’s as well as coordinating our Pastoral Prayer Ministry Team who are available after our 9.30 service on the 2nd Sunday of each month.
As well as Jayne, there are a number of people involved in leading our @11 Worship service these people include Elizabeth and Bill Carter, Ian Henry and Carrie Partridge.
Church Wardens
Church Wardens are office holders in the Church. Their responsibilities include the Fabric (infrastructure) of the Church Building, ensuring that services happen, and care for the vicar and family. Church wardens are volunteers elected annually by the PCC (Church Council) and serve a maximum of six years.
Our current Church Warden is:

Karen Hesketh
01202 020462 or 07568 327030 (for emergency or sending texts)
Pastoral Team
Our Pastoral team of Lay Pastoral Assistants visit those who are unable to come to Church services or who are ill, take communion to the local care homes and folk who are housebound and offer love and support in and around our village community. We also have a Safeguarding officer who’s focus is on the safeguarding of all those who are part of, or connected to our Church community.
Our LPA team members are:

Dr Charles Hodson
Charles is also our Safeguarding Officer

Claire Coakes
Claire is also our Deputy Safeguarding Officer

Jayne Catley

David Mason
Health and Safety Adviser

Andy Dawson
The PCC is the council that is responsible for all areas of Church life and ministry. It is elected each year at the Annual Meeting and each member serves 3 years. The Vicar and Church Wardens are ex-officio members of the PCC. The vicar is the Chair of the PCC.
Stephen Partridge is the vicar of St Mary’s Church. He is chair of the PCC and ex-officio member.
Karen Hesketh is Church Warden and is an ex-officio member of the PCC

Bill Carter is vice chair of the PCC and chair of the Fabric Committee which looks after the Church building and makes recommendations to the PCC about the upkeep and development of the Church facilities and also an elected member of the PCC.
Riette Hodson is the secretary of the PCC. She is responsible for the administration of the PCC minutes and agenda and any correspondence with the council.

Roger Ong is the PCC treasurer and is responsible for implementing the decisions made by the PCC with regard to the Church budget, fundraising and finances.

Karen Hesketh is Deanery Synod representative and is an ex-officio member of the PCC

Penny Lewis is Deanery Synod representative and is an ex-officio member of the PCC

Ed Peel is an elected member of the PCC

Andy Dawson is an elected member of the PCC

David Mason is an elected member of the PCC

Ian Henry is an elected member of the PCC

Dr Charles Hodson is an elected member of the PCC