In 1986 a book entitled Lytchett Matravers Countryside Walks was published by Shirley Percival. The walks followed the many ‘rights- of- way’ that exist in and around Lytchett, and work done by the late George and Diana Granger in re-establishing many of these footpaths, tracks and bridleways was acknowledged. The book was delightfully illustrated with drawings by the late Jill Mellis.
Jill, Diana and Shirley were all members of Lytchett Matravers WI. The current Lytchett WI are compiling a new collection of walks drawing upon the previous work and are indebted to Shirley Percival for her permission to do this. The WI intend to produce this as a booklet complete with new drawings and maps as part of the celebrations of our 100th birthday.
You can help test out some of the walks if you wish by clicking the links and then following the instructions you find. Please be aware that some routes are very muddy/waterlogged after the wet start to the year that we had. Also some of the paths are a little narrow, but most have places where you can dive off to allow others past at the correct distance! Do feedback anything important that you notice to the WI.