8am – BCP Communion

Using the majestic language of Cranmer’s 1662 Book of Common Prayer this quiet and reflective service is the perfect start to a Sunday morning devotion. The language is traditional, the style reflective. We meet together in the choir stalls of the chancel of the Church building or in the Nave. Prayer Books or service books available from the back. 8am every Sunday at St Mary’s also available on Livestream

Here’s a description recently shared in our Village Parish Magazine: Our 8am BCP Communion happens every Sunday at 8am. It is a quiet reflective said service – there is no singing or music involved. The Service lasts about 30mins and offers the opportunity to receive Holy Communion (bread and wine) at the altar rail in the chancel of St Mary’s Church. Like Evensong, this service also uses the historic wording of the Book of Common Prayer book dating back to 1662.  There is an amazing calmness to our time together that provides a spiritual anchor in a world of storm and churn. The service is led by Stewart, a retired priest, on the 1st/3rd/5th Sundays of each month and by our Vicar Stephen on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.


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