Values, Vision and Mission at St Mary’s

During 2023 we have been praying, discussing and discerning our Core Values as a Church family.

So far we have the following 5 headings:

Welcoming, Connecting, Blessing, Growing and Stewarding. 

Stephen and the PCC have add some summary statements to each of these, see below.

We hope to apply these to our life, vision and mission as a Church family, and use them to discern God’s guidance for the future.

As part of the process, we looked at our Primary and Secondary activities, as a Church community, that show these values, and we then went one step further to investigate what else we might do in the future.

Do look at the lists below, or on the boards at Church and do offer any feedback you have, especially if you would like to get involved in any of the actives or have some fresh ideas to contribute.

Email your contributions to the Vicar: or use a Feedback-form at Church.

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