Bell Restoration Project

Bell Restoration 2019

Service of Rededication Sunday 26th January 2020 4pm

Our Bells are back and were ringing for Christmas 2019

Watch the video below to see how we reached such a successful outcome.

Watch the video of the bell removal on UTube

Two of our bells are listed, the oldest c.1440, with two 17th century bells. The movement of the bells has deteriorated over the years such that the local band found ringing and training recruits more difficult than it should be. There was quite a lot of work to be done to restore the bells so the decision was made to raise funds to have a full restoration.

This means the bells were taken out of the tower, taken to the Loughborough Bell Foundry, restored and returned. There was an opportunity for the community to visit St Maryโ€™s and see the bells when they were taken out โ€“ a once in a lifetime experience for many of us โ€“ especially to see the heritage of such old bells. This took place towards the end of 2019.

We have also raised funds to replace the old access ladders with permanent fixed ladders. This has made access to the tower easier, safer and much quicker.

John Taylor & Co of Loughborough did this work for us.

Refurbishment of the bells will create a wonderful legacy not only for the church but for the future ringing in St Maryโ€™s. Bell ringing has a number of benefits – it is a group activity, which stimulates the brain and keeps the ringers fit. It is a totally non-discriminatory activity open to everyone; our oldest member at the moment is over 70.

 How Much We Raised

Over the past 18 months up to December 2019 we raised over ยฃ8,500 through Fundraising and individual Donations and been offered just over ยฃ30,000 in Grant applications.

We had an exciting programme of events for 2019 – 2020

Over 700 visitors came to 12 Fundraising events. We gave presentations to 7 village groups either in the church or at venues in the village. We took display boards and posters to the Village Library and Wareham Museum.

Grant Bodies

We would like to acknowledge the contributions made by:

The Elmgrant Trust
Llewellyn Edwards Bell Restoration Fund (LEBRF)
The Sharpe Trust
Allchurches Trust
The Dorset County Association of Church Bellringers 
Church Buildings Council
Erskine Muton Trust
Dorset Historic Churches
Barron Bell Trust
Hobson Charity
Talbot Village Trust

     The Pilgrim TrustChurch CareDorset Historic Churches TrustTalbot Village TrustThe Dorset County Association

See how we raised funds through a Sponsored Ring –  Bob Doubles Challenge Report

Follow our Project on Facebook

See the Progress on Taylor’s Website 

The Bells were BACK and ringing for Christmas. Read all about it here….

Make a Donation

If you would like to  make donations towards other projects within our church please follow this link to our donations page. We welcome support and donations both small and large as well as general support. 

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